Think your mouth isn’t important to your health? Think again!
In this episode, Dr. Chuck previews the theme of his upcoming TED Talk: “Think Again.” Think your mouth is only important for eating, talking and smiling? Think again! Think everything is fine because it doesn’t hurt? Think again!
Early signs of dental problems
A lack of pain doesn’t mean everything is OK in your mouth. In this episode, Dr. Chuck and Suzanne Lynn discuss some of the early signs of dental problems.
Chemotherapy and your mouth
Both Dr. Chuck and Suzanne Lynn have lost loved ones to cancer, so this episode is very personal to them. They discuss how chemotherapy affects the mouth and Dr. Chuck offers some tips on how to deal with the painful side effects.
What’s the difference between brushing your teeth and cleaning your mouth?
Some people brush their teeth but still have cavities and other mouth-related health problems. Others spend time cleaning their mouths and have bright healthy smiles. Dr. Chuck explains the difference between brushing your teeth and cleaning your mouth while showing some products that can help.
Your pet needs a clean mouth, too
Dr. Chuck and Suzanne are joined by Dr. Christine Cassidy, DVM, of Eustis Veterinary Hospital, to discuss how dental health is just as important for our pets as it is for us. She also shares some of the similarities and differences between human and animal mouths.
Study: Oral bacteria in 86% of blood clots in stroke patients
Dr. Chuck and Suzanne discuss a recent study in the Journal of the American Heart Association that shows oral bacteria was found in 86 percent of the clots found in stroke patients? What does this mean? Infections in your mouth often cause blood clots, which can result in strokes.
The Dollars and Sense of Dental Care
Dr. Chuck and Suzanne Lynn share the results of a recent study by the United Concordia Dental insurance company that shows how patients who take care of their teeth save thousands of dollars in annual medical costs and see a significant reduction in annual hospitalizations versus those who do not.
Back to school dental tips for kids and parents
Did you know dental disease causes children to miss more than 51 million school hours each year? With students in Central Florida and beyond preparing to head back to school this month, Dr. Chuck and Suzanne Lynn offer tips for how to help your kids start the school year with a smile.
Why don’t hospitals have dentists?
Ever wonder why you don’t see dentists on the staff at most hospitals? Dr. Chuck asked why and got a surprising answer. He and Suzanne talk about it in an enlightening — and possibly controversial — episode of Your Filthy Mouth.
Challenges of a “mature’ mouth
Did you know Dr. Chuck’s dental practice has more than 250 patients age 90 or older? He and Suzanne Lynn discuss some of the challenges involved in caring for a “mature” mouth, and they also talk about a study that says people who keep their teeth healthy live an average of 10 years longer than those who don’t.